Every Family's Got One

About Every Family's Got One

Barbara Herel is the founder and producer of Every Family's Got One. She is a writer and storyteller, wife and mother, and a recovering middle child. (You bet she has some stories to tell.) You can find her work in places like, Scary Mommy, Motherly, Adoptive Families, on page 135 in the anthology Tick Tock: Essays on Becoming a Parent After 40 (published by Dottir Press), and right here on Every Family’s Got One.

A Story About Joy, Singing and Self

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Ann Imig I never learned to play an instrument. My parents bought me lessons in both piano and violin, and I had no lasting interest nor talent for either. Instead, singing became my instrument of choice; I sung constantly, I sang passionately, I sang well. That said... no matter how deftly 8-year-old me belted the full score of Annie while gazing out the backseat window, there were only so many “Tomorrows” my family could abide on a given day. My Facts of Life TV theme refrain did not provide an ersatz “hi [...]

2018-06-07T09:12:36-04:00June 6, 2018|2 Comments

A Story About Sock Puppets and Priorities

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Sheila Quirke It happened this morning. I was at the sink doing dishes, my older son was being too attentive to one screen or another and my younger son was whining at me, asking for help making puppets.  He wanted to make puppets. Now.  He needed help, of course, but couldn't he see me busy at the sink doing last night's dinner pans? Nope. Puppets. Now. Right now. I encouraged him to ask his brother. He did. That didn't go too well, as that screen wasn't going to watch itself. The little one was back in the kitchen after a [...]

2018-06-01T13:58:09-04:00May 30, 2018|1 Comment

About Grandpa and Building Sandcastles

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Jen Gregory We took the kids to the beach near Grandpa and Grandma’s condo. We parked the car in their building’s garage and embarked on the familiar one-block walk to the boardwalk that we’d done since Dylan was a baby. Mike dove straight into the ocean for a quick swim. Then, he and the boys got to work... building a massive sandcastle. First, there was moat digging. Then, there was barrier wall construction. Next, there was tower formation. The waves were high and rough, so the barrier wall had to be [...]

2018-05-30T09:44:34-04:00May 23, 2018|3 Comments

About Serving in the Military

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Maria Adcock My great-grandfather, Ying Hsing Wen, was the first Chinese cadet at West Point Military Academy and graduated with the Class of 1909. In honor of him... my relatives have set up awards for students in the Foreign Languages Department at West Point. Every year, the elder relatives present the awards at graduation. The first is an award given to a cadet selected by the faculty for demonstrating excellence in the field of East Asian Studies.  The second is a China traveling fellowship awarded to a graduating cadet based on [...]

2018-05-21T10:06:17-04:00May 16, 2018|2 Comments

Being an Older Mom

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel With the average life expectancy for women in the U.S. being anywhere from 73 and a half to 86 years of age, I can tell you as the 54-year-old mother of a nine-year-old, if I kick when I am 73 and a half, I’m going to be pissed. That said I always knew I’d be an older mom. When my college friends were getting pregnant in their twenties and thirties, I never felt I was missing out. It was only after marrying my husband that I can truly say I caught [...]

2019-11-18T12:35:21-05:00May 9, 2018|12 Comments

My Angels in Heaven

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Stacey Skrysak   “I wish my brother and sister would come down from Heaven.” It was a typical weekend morning. In the wee hours before daylight, my daughter nudged me gently. Groggy, I pulled back the sheets and let her crawl into bed with me and my husband. As the quiet morning gave way to chatter, my daughter nuzzled next to me. “I love you Mommy and Daddy,” her sweet voice filled the air. Without skipping a beat, I replied, “I love you too.” As I thought of our sweet family, I [...]

2018-05-30T09:47:02-04:00May 2, 2018|2 Comments
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