Every Family's Got One

About Every Family's Got One

Barbara Herel is the founder and producer of Every Family's Got One. She is a writer and storyteller, wife and mother, and a recovering middle child. (You bet she has some stories to tell.) You can find her work in places like, Scary Mommy, Motherly, Adoptive Families, on page 135 in the anthology Tick Tock: Essays on Becoming a Parent After 40 (published by Dottir Press), and right here on Every Family’s Got One.

A Story About a Sailor and Bravery

By Every Family's Got Founder -- Barbara Herel   He was a 19-year-old sailor stationed at the naval base on Chincoteague Island in Virginia. He doesn’t remember what started the fight. It was in the barracks. Two sailors were pummeling a third. A friend thought it was best to walk away, to just forget about it. His instincts told him something else. He told the aggressors they had 24-hours to turn themselves in – or he would. In the middle of the night, the sailors attacked him as he slept in his bunk. He went to the hospital. His attackers went [...]

2019-11-18T12:16:00-05:00August 29, 2018|Comments Off on A Story About a Sailor and Bravery

A Story About a Soccer Mom

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Kathryn Mayer Once upon a time... on a soccer field far, far away, or really, just in the center of town on an abandoned psychiatric hospital, a tired, been-there-done-that mom sat behind the soccer goal, underneath the giant pines, with an iced tea and book, and didn’t watch her kid play. She may have glanced, but she certainly didn’t know the score, or where her kid was on the field. Or if her kid was on the field. It was a good book. She was sick of this sports life... and her kids [...]

2018-08-17T09:44:09-04:00August 22, 2018|2 Comments

A Story About a Fish

By Every Family's Guest Writer -- Alison Tedford One day my son will read this fish story and will probably not be delighted with our behavior, but today is not that day. Thankfully. Once upon a time, I faced a parenting dilemma I did not know how to solve. We recently had a death in the family and our little dude was grieving hard (we all were, but he was really struggling.) All of our emotional energy was centered on helping us get through a tough time. That’s when his fish started getting sick. Now fish can have a [...]

2018-08-13T14:49:42-04:00August 15, 2018|3 Comments

A Story About My Son and Living with Autism

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Miranda Raye Autism still lives here. I want it to leave. I’ve tried taming it, coaxing it, encouraging it to move on. For a while now, I thought it listened. So sure was I that it had vacated the premises, I made comments like... “I’m not so sure he even has autism,” and “Was the diagnosis even correct?” These comments, more often than not, have been met with sympathetic looks or avoidance of eye contact altogether, making me more angry and determined to boot Autism the hell out. Those of you who have [...]

2018-08-08T08:25:58-04:00August 8, 2018|2 Comments

A Story About the Songs that Speak to Us

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Amy Wilson  We all have songs that speak to us, that instantly take us back to a specific time in our lives. I bet if I asked what you what songs made you, you, you could rattle off a few no problem. Now without further ado here, in the order of their appearance as crucial songs in my life, are some of the songs that made me… BAD, BAD LEROY BROWN (Jim Croce, 1973) One of my earliest memories is being three or four years old, sitting in the backseat of [...]

2018-07-31T11:44:40-04:00August 1, 2018|2 Comments

Announcing the 2018 Cast of Every Family’s Got One

Every Family’s Got One Founder – Barbara Herel   I am excited to announce our cast. But first, I need to tell you we were floored by your response! Audition videos came from... Long Island, New York City, Westchester, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Let me tell you, Family, there are amazing storytellers all around us! What’s more, the quality of the work was astounding. You just blew us away. And you happily made our casting decision a difficult one. Most difficult in fact! We spent many hours in our café eating our way through the casting process. (But seriously, we forgive you.) [...]

2019-11-18T12:19:33-05:00July 25, 2018|8 Comments
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