
A Story About the Meaning of Motherhood

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel  image by Motherhood is like painting. Not “artistic” painting. I’m talking about down-and-dirty house painting. Sure, it looks like fun, just watch any TV-paint commercial. So much laughter and hijinks—and everyone helps you paint! You even wind up with an adorable smudge on your nose. But let’s face it, painting is not fun. It’s exhausting and precarious. It demands all of your attention and there’s a never-ending amount of cleanup. But paint, we must. Because we’re invested in the upkeep and we get to admire the results. [...]

2019-08-08T21:25:30-04:00August 14, 2019|Comments Off on A Story About the Meaning of Motherhood

A Story About the Wild Child

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Marcia Kester Doyle image by rawpixel There's one in every family: the Wild Child. The one who gives you gray hairs, anxiety weight, and over-sized baggage under the eyes. The one who breaks your heart then turns around and mends it with his unconditional love. The one you stare at while scratching your head and saying, “Are you my child or was I impregnated by an alien during a UFO abduction that I just can't recall?” My youngest son... is our family’s Wild Child. He pulled his very first [...]

2019-06-24T15:57:45-04:00June 26, 2019|14 Comments

A Story About Betty’s Superpower

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel My mom, Betty, is five-foot-one and is armed with a superpower: the ability to make any situation – no matter how strange or overwhelming – Better. Like the time my 9-year-old niece was summoning spirits with the Ouji board. “Are there any spirits who want to speak to us?” my niece asked. Then the mystical indicator... began spelling out the names of her dead dogs (all on its own mind you). My niece burst into tears. I didn’t know what to say, but apparently, my mom did – “Isn’t it wonderful that [...]

2019-11-18T11:40:53-05:00October 17, 2018|4 Comments
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