By Every Family’s Got One Founder — Barbara Herel

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Motherhood is like painting.
Not “artistic” painting. I’m talking about down-and-dirty house painting. Sure, it looks like fun, just watch any TV-paint commercial. So much laughter and hijinks—and everyone helps you paint! You even wind up with an adorable smudge on your nose.
But let’s face it, painting is not fun.
It’s exhausting and precarious. It demands all of your attention and there’s a never-ending amount of cleanup.
But paint, we must.
Because we’re invested in the upkeep and we get to admire the results.
One day, we get to stand back and say, “Look at what I did.”
Come see the amazing storytellers of Every Family’s Got One!
Wednesday, October 16 at 7:30 pm
At My Father’s Place in Roslyn, NY.
Tickets on sale now!