
A Story About Creating a Friendship and a Show

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Kathy Radigan Founder & Producer Barbara and 2018 Show Producer Kathy Thursday, October 11, at 7 pm at the Cinema Arts Center in Huntington, NY!! Barbara and I have our outfits bought, babysitters booked, hair and makeup appointments scheduled, and our extremely talented cast is more than ready to share their amazing family stories with our audience. We even have our mothers working the front door. The excitement at both our houses is off the charts! If you live in the New York area... we would really love to see you. [...]

2019-11-18T11:57:33-05:00October 10, 2018|2 Comments

A Story About a Crafty Mother and Her Eggs

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Emily Gaffney Growing up with an early model “DIY” crafty mother, I got to witness the pursuit of craft perfection on a regular basis. No holiday or event was too small or insignificant for Mom not to break out the glue gun and summon her technical talent. Easter was one of her favorites; not because Baby Jesus was front and center in our lives, but because this annual celebration held massive decorating opportunity… a veritable mecca for a true crafty mom. Several weeks before Ham Sunday, Mom would put the newspaper down and [...]

2018-10-01T09:59:21-04:00October 3, 2018|3 Comments

A Story About A Brother Who’s Different

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Kira Gilbertson My brother Joseph has always played a large role in my life. As my life has matured and changed he has been an ever-present source of consistency. His childlike mentality has remained unchanged throughout the years. Change causes him... a significant amount of anxiety and my family and I have done our best to provide him the structure he craves.  When I first became pregnant with my son, I worried about the impact such a dramatic life change would have on Joseph. I remember when I first told him I was [...]

2018-09-23T15:42:50-04:00September 26, 2018|Comments Off on A Story About A Brother Who’s Different

Storytelling About Family! Buy Your Tickets Online Today!

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer  -- Kathy Radigan We are less than a month away from...  Every Family's Got One storytelling show! It's for one night only – on October 11th at 7:00 pm at the Cinema Arts Center in Huntington, New York.   What is a storytelling show you ask? Well, Barbara and I, along with 7 other amazing New York area writer/storytellers, will be telling original, true stories about our families. And yes, we will be live onstage!   To give you an idea of what to expect... my story is about the time I [...]

2019-11-18T12:07:11-05:00September 19, 2018|Comments Off on Storytelling About Family! Buy Your Tickets Online Today!

A Story About a Naughty Dog and a Good Dad

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Laurie Stone None of us know when we’ll be tested in life. Some tests are big. Some are small. A test my husband Randy will never forget came on a June evening involving several confused neighbors, two police cruisers... and a Chihuahua named Poopsie. That late afternoon I'd brought Poopsie home from the pound. Our two little boys, ages 5 and 2, were ecstatic. “We have a doggie!!” Patrick and Paul shouted, jumping up and down. I smiled, trying to avoid my husband’s horrified stare. I have few natural talents... but picking out ugly [...]

2018-08-17T16:34:52-04:00September 12, 2018|3 Comments

A Story About a 1970’s Childhood

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Kathy Radigan As much as I enjoy and appreciate my life as a full-fledged grown-up, complete with a mortgage, a husband, and three children, I sometimes find myself longing for the simpler days of my 1970’s childhood. Things like: Laughing so hard that milk shoots out of my nose. Sometimes I could achieve this state of hysteria with just my two sisters, but usually, it only happened when we were with our male cousins. Believing that money really does grow on trees. My parents tried to convince us that it didn’t, but [...]

2019-11-18T12:08:41-05:00September 5, 2018|Comments Off on A Story About a 1970’s Childhood
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