
A Story About the Feast of San Gennaro

By Every Family's Got One Guest Poet -- Marie A. Mennuto-Rovell Image by rawpixel (Mac Arthur Avenue 1953) The front door of my grandparent's house opened directly into the festivities...   Cotton candy cones... licked clean, littered  our street this late summer week-end.   Endless streams... of immigrants and their offspring meandered up and down our block all day and into the evening.   My grandpa Giuseppe... volunteered to help carry the life-size statue of the patron saint of Naples in the procession preceeding the celebration.  I remember... how the bees hovered around the torrone nougat candy concession, right [...]

2019-09-09T13:06:49-04:00September 11, 2019|Comments Off on A Story About the Feast of San Gennaro

A Story About Life and Death Surgery

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel Image from Holy Carp!!! I just performed emergency surgery on a goldfish. This is an honest-to-God true story.  The fish got a pebble lodged deep in its mouth as it was eating. My 9-year-old daughter was the first to notice it right after feeding him and alerted us with cries of… “MY FISH IS DYING! MY FISH IS DYING!” My husband, who was on his way out the door, was the first on the scene to assess the situation. “Ohhh, yup… look at that,” he called to [...]

2019-09-04T06:37:52-04:00September 4, 2019|4 Comments

Oct 16th Tickets Now On Sale!

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel   Consider yourself invited to the 2019 Every Family’s Got One show! Join us for an evening of 8 true stories about family – with notable storytellers from HuffPost, Scary Mommy,and The Moth. You’re going to love...  the 2019 cast as much as Tony and I do. Their stories are amazing and amazingly diverse with topics ranging from self-discovery, to mental illness, to life lessons learned from living an extreme family lifestyle. You’ll laugh, be enthralled as well as inspired. You’ll also be... well fed because My Father’s Place, located in the [...]

2019-08-27T13:27:03-04:00August 28, 2019|Comments Off on Oct 16th Tickets Now On Sale!

A Story About Flaunting Curves and Body Image

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Molly England image by My curves are an outward symbol of my inner-stress. Contrary to how the Dove ads would like me to feel—I’m not in love with them, and I certainly don’t want to show them off this summer.  I know that in this enlightened, feminist-rising era, curves are symbolic of powerful women who aren’t ashamed of their bodies.  My story is not one of shame... but I do feel uncomfortable in my expanding waistline and chaffing thighs.  My growing size is a manifestation of mounting pressure, my struggle to cope, and a reliance on mindless eating. Self-care is on the back burner, and it shows in the tight grip of my jean shorts. I remember my first diet. [...]

2019-08-22T21:22:31-04:00August 21, 2019|10 Comments

A Story About the Meaning of Motherhood

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel  image by Motherhood is like painting. Not “artistic” painting. I’m talking about down-and-dirty house painting. Sure, it looks like fun, just watch any TV-paint commercial. So much laughter and hijinks—and everyone helps you paint! You even wind up with an adorable smudge on your nose. But let’s face it, painting is not fun. It’s exhausting and precarious. It demands all of your attention and there’s a never-ending amount of cleanup. But paint, we must. Because we’re invested in the upkeep and we get to admire the results. [...]

2019-08-08T21:25:30-04:00August 14, 2019|Comments Off on A Story About the Meaning of Motherhood

A Story About A Life-Changing Lab

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Dawn Nagle image by rawpixel Thanks to a Lab, my life has forever (or at least for the next 10-12 years) been altered. My days are no longer my own. I am now a slave to a stinky 12-week old hound named Joanna. Yes, she is adorable. Yes, her eyes are little pools of gentle and sweet. Yes, her paws are big and she is clumsy cute. Those are the reasons why she is still alive (or not living with my sister).  The dog is ruining my life. Let [...]

2019-08-08T21:23:58-04:00August 7, 2019|3 Comments
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