Every Family's Got One

About Every Family's Got One

Barbara Herel is the founder and producer of Every Family's Got One. She is a writer and storyteller, wife and mother, and a recovering middle child. (You bet she has some stories to tell.) You can find her work in places like, Scary Mommy, Motherly, Adoptive Families, on page 135 in the anthology Tick Tock: Essays on Becoming a Parent After 40 (published by Dottir Press), and right here on Every Family’s Got One.

EFGO Podcast S2:E2 – Telling Lies!

By EFGO Storytellers Emerson Dameron & Angel Yau   https://open.spotify.com/episode/3cnaeHJSTecl6G91b2AT8T?si=gc0nQps5SOaz5rL3Lqh-SQ Listen to S2:E2 Oh, those little lies we tell ourselves – and others. We’re so excited to have… Image by raw pixel.com MOTH STORYTELLER… EMERSON DAMERON  Emerson’s world is rocked when out-of-the-blue his mother announces that he isn’t going to Kindergarten today.  She seemed upbeat on the surface yet Emerson just knew something weird was going on. And of course, he was right. Hear all about it in his story “Manhunt.”  And… COMEDIC STORYTELLER, ANGEL YAU  Angel thought the best way to keep her parents happy was [...]

2021-03-30T20:40:10-04:00March 31, 2021|Comments Off on EFGO Podcast S2:E2 – Telling Lies!


By Every Family's Got One founder ~ Barbara Herel Image by raw pixel.com Enter our Nut Box Giveaway! Listen to any of our Season 2 episodes to learn how to enter our Nut Box Giveaway. It’s completely enjoyable and super easy. Listen now and enter…   for your chance to win a delicious Nut Box full of Honey Roasted Peanuts Milk Chocolate Covered Peanuts Cranberry & Sesame Nut mix Roasted Salted Colossal Cashews Glazed Almonds Traditional Nut Mix Listen wherever you get your pods! At the end of Season 2… we’ll announce our Nut Box winner! Good [...]

2021-03-22T10:38:31-04:00March 24, 2021|Comments Off on EFGO SEASON 2 GIVEAWAY!

EFGO Podcast S2/E1: Crimes & Misdemeanors!

By EFGO Storytellers Jimmy Palumbo & Elizabeth Heise https://open.spotify.com/episode/0qym85BwOGWDLrzQmKeqpk?si=FVbYL2aTTAyUnNVSwRZNZQ Kicking off Season 2 with crimes big and small from two fantastic storytellers... ACTOR… JIMMY PALUMBO Jimmy’s dad receives a summons for jury duty and is ready to do his civic duty should he be selected. Unfortunately, it isn’t long before he finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Check out Jimmy’s hilarious true-crime family story “Jury Duty.” Image by rawpixel.com And… WRITER, ELIZABETH HEISE  All little Elizabeth wants is what her friends get – Candy. Lots and lots of candy. A kid is bound to [...]

2021-03-17T09:51:14-04:00March 17, 2021|Comments Off on EFGO Podcast S2/E1: Crimes & Misdemeanors!

EFGO Podcast Epi #5: Embarrassing Moments!

By Every Family's Got One Producers -- Barbara Herel & Tony Mennuto https://open.spotify.com/episode/3aC448FxjQIRj3CbnJd1Uc?si=dLJO9ZfCQ1iCRyDBN62eyQ LISTEN TO EPISODE #5 Embarrassing moments! Egads! (Do tell!)  BARBARA HEREL! I'm a middle child so I have many embarrassing moments. This particular one is about the time I went to confession and it didn't go as planned. Far from it.  AND… TONY MENNUTO! Tony tells us about the time he and his gregarious parents went to a Mexican Restaurant and his typically mild-mannered dad had one too many cocktails.  Image by Rawpixel WE ANNOUNCE OUR MEAT & CHEESE WINNER! Since it's the last [...]

2021-01-12T17:26:02-05:00January 13, 2021|Comments Off on EFGO Podcast Epi #5: Embarrassing Moments!


From Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel The EFGO Podcast is heading into Season 2 (and beyond!) and we're looking for more true family stories! What is a family story? These are the stories that are told over and over again. Like the story about how your grandparents met, or the one about the drunk uncle that shows up to the family reunion.  Yes, that family story. We know you have them and we want to hear them. Please send: *A five-minute audio file of you telling your story to: [email protected]  *Put “Submission” in the subject line. *In [...]

2021-01-04T16:01:49-05:00January 6, 2021|Comments Off on 2021 EFGO PODCAST: CALL FOR STORIES


BY EFGO STORYTELLERS LANCE WERTH & DAVE HU! https://open.spotify.com/episode/0xG6hg4QB0vA3slAC4f0X8?si=HUP8BrnsQSiUwmv7C27q3w LISTEN TO EPISODE #4 Oh, those dads! (They screw up the children as much as the moms do.) Check out these awesome stoic-dad stories from… Image by Rawpixel LANCE WERTH! Young Lance spends time with his father and is awakened to a fundamental truth about himself – and his dad. And… DAVE HU! Dave shares that as a kid his interactions with his dad felt formal, more like they were polite strangers on a bus. It was only until later in life when Dave’s relationship with his father lightens [...]

2020-12-28T16:24:10-05:00December 30, 2020|Comments Off on EFGO PODCAST EPISODE #4: DADS!
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