Every Family’s Got One 2018 Cast Video — Lisa Leshaw

Photo by ebeth photography
Can anything compare to the deep bond between grandparent and grandchild?
We don’t think so!
Speaking from her heart about the deep bond and otherworldly experience she shared with her Grandpa Ben, Lisa enchanted our Every Family’s Got One audience with her heartfelt story.
Here’s a fun fact about Lisa…
She should have been named Liza after Liza Minnelli. However, the powers that be mistakenly wrote an S on her birth certificate instead of a Z! But actually these days Lisa’s favorite name is Grandma. And being Grandma to her six grandchildren means it’s her turn to create …
those deep bonds.
All of this creating brings Lisa back to her special relationship with her Grandpa Ben. Now, please enjoy Lisa performing…
“The Tightest Peas in the Pod”…
Lisa Leshaw has worked in the mental health industry for 33 years. She’s privileged to conduct empowerment circles for Mamas where they celebrate all things women and the children who love them. When she’s not writing for Her View From Home you can find her playing on the beach with her husband of 40 years and their 6 grandkids. As a hobby, Lisa performs puppet shows with naughty characters who misbehave merely for the laugh.
Still, one of my favorites as I can so relate with the relationship I had with my own grandfather growing up. Loved hearing Lisa reading her memories in her own voice here <3