Let’s catch up on all things EFGO (finally!) … about the June show in Southampton and about what’s coming up this fall.

Back Row: Ax Norman, Barbara Herel, Tony Mennuto, Kim Como. Front Row: Johanne Pelletier, Angela Derecas Taylor, Sandi Marx, Ronna Levy. Neil Kramer Photography
First, my apologies for the delay in catching up. Between a great family getaway, a not-so-great bout of Covid, and a “big fat nothing great about it” health scare that landed my dad in the hospital I got a little behind.
I won’t leave you hanging about the personal stuff so here’s how everything panned out:
Scotland was magical.
We explored the streets and castle of Edinburgh, sailed and fished Lock Ness (no Nessie sightings), and rambled through our share haunted graveyards and mind-blowing candy shops.
Tony and I got the Covid.
Not from our travels but somewhere here at home. We are on the tail end of it and feeling mostly good. Thankfully we didn’t pass it along to The TEEN or my parents (knocking on my wooden head now because that’s just good protocol).
My dad had aspiration pneumonia, the poor guy.
Thankfully his fever is gone, he’s off oxygen, and yesterday he went for a walk down the hallway with a little help. His health continues to improve, and we hope to have him out of the hospital soon.
Now, here’s what I really wanted to catch up about – our EFGO live show at the Southampton Cultural Center.
It was fantastic.
The wine, the cheese, the strawberries, and the artwork, including 400-lb moose sculpture, made our Pre-Show Art Gallery party very Hampton-y in the very best of ways – with lots of laughter, conversation, and interesting people.
Many thanks to my best friend Dawn Nagle of Dawn Nagle Gallery, the incredible artists, and our fabulous volunteers (Lisa Cali, Brian Cali, Olivia Fonti, Christopher Schmidt, and Michael Schmidt) for pulling out all the stops.
When our lively audience moved from the art gallery to the theater, the party really took off. There’s nothing quite like performing in front of a loud and appreciative crowd.
I was incredibly happy for our storytellers, a mix of seasoned pros and talented newcomers. It was wonderful to watch each of them take their moment at the mic and deliver their shocking, funny, and meaningful family stories to such a responsive audience.
A word of thanks must go to…
Michael Chow Media and Neil Kramer Photography as well as to our generous Sponsors:
Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York
Barbara Fonti, Big Dream Executive Coaching
Suzanne Savino, Licensed RE Salesperson, Compass Real Estate, Contact: 631.662.4286, [email protected]
Rocket Boulevard, An Idea Company, Contact: 516.303.0552
Wordsworth & Booth, Audio Advertising + Podcasting
Newsday journalist Beth Whitehouse for the great write up.
To you, Family, for filling the seats to join us.
What’s next for EFGO?
This fall you can look forward to…
The EFGO Podcast
We’ll be creating podcast episodes from the stories in the Southampton show. We’ll let you know before they’re ready to drop. Please subscribe to the EFGO Podcast wherever you listen to your entertainment.
A Fundraising Event in NYC
This is a very special performance in collaboration with the wonderful nonprofit organization Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York (AFFCNY).
We’ll be working with AFFCNY’s adoptive, foster, and kinship community to cultivate true family stories from young adults who were in the foster care system, late-discovery adoptees, first mothers, and adoptive parents in open adoptions.
The AFFCNY fundraising event will be held in New York City, the date and location TBA. I will keep you posted because you’ll be able to purchase a ticket and attend in person or virtually. We couldn’t be more excited about this.
Isn’t it nice catching up?
We hope you are well and finding space to relax and have fun. Please stay in the know about EFGO Storytelling Show – like EFGO on Facebook, follow EFGO on Instagram, subscribe to our podcast, and sign up for our newsletter.
Talk soon. xxx