
A Story About Mom, Rehab, and What’s Next

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Emily Gaffney Image by Mom is presently serving 10 to 20 at the local nursing home. A simple procedure to remove a kidney stone, resulted in sepsis and a CDC dictate for two weeks of IV antibiotics, plus twice daily PT (apparently, 4 hospital stays in 5 months has left her “unconditioned”… go figure). Since my skill set does not include IV’s or PT, Mom’s full sentence must be served at The Home. During her last rehab stint... she bunked with an old family friend and her days were [...]

2019-05-01T14:01:33-04:00May 8, 2019|4 Comments

A Story About Special Friends

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel We all know that having family and friends by your side makes everything better. Especially when it comes to helping you launch your passion project. I’d like to send out... a very special thank you to one such friend, Kathy Radigan, whose incredible contributions made the inaugural season of Every Family’s Got One a thrilling one. Kathy’s boundless energy, engaging sense of humor, and of course superb writing all helped to make 2018 a wondrous ride, one that culminated in a storytelling performance that left us both feeling enormously proud. [...]

2019-11-18T11:32:33-05:00May 1, 2019|Comments Off on A Story About Special Friends

A Story About an Italian Grandfather

By Every Family's Got One Guest Poet -- Marie A. Mennuto-Rovello The oak rocker swayed to a slow, but steady rhythm controlled by my grandfather's feet. It creaked over the gaudy, green linoleum floor. I was young, maybe five, sitting on his knee as he patiently taught me how to count in Italian. Uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque and Grandma waiting to fill my belly with apricot nectar and chocolate wafers. Marie's poem LOVED IN THE TRANSLATION was previously published on Marie A. Mennuto-Rovello works full time at staying alive and keeping in touch. Her poetry is often a [...]

2019-04-16T12:44:30-04:00April 24, 2019|6 Comments

A Story about Love and Lies at a Jewish Dance

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel My grandma Yetta and grandpa Frank met at that highly respectable place where many a young Jewish girl met a nice Jewish boy back in the day – at a dance at the Jewish Community center. Only problem was, Frank wasn’t Jewish. This piece of pertinent information came to light only after Yetta and Frank had become smitten with each other. Furthermore, this scandalous news was divulged to the last person on earth a young woman would want this knowledge revealed to – her father. Yetta’s father... Joseph, a “Butter and Egg” [...]

2019-11-18T11:35:12-05:00April 17, 2019|6 Comments

A Story About a Guilty Pleasure

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Kathy Radigan   I have a guilty pleasure that I don’t often confess to: I love reading romance novels. My favorites are by Danielle Steel. They’re extra heavy on the fluff, but some days I need an escape. Nothing does it... like losing myself in one of Ms. Steel’s books. They’re an effortless read, and I can polish one off in about an hour if I get that much time to myself as a busy mom to three. If not, they can take me about a day to read between juggling kids, house, and work.  [...]

2019-11-18T11:24:29-05:00April 10, 2019|4 Comments

A Story About a Birthday Party

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Doreen Oliver   The first time I threw myself a birthday party, my hair caught on fire. I was chatting with a friend in a West Village lounge, unaware burning candles hung centimeters away. With a slight tilt of my head to sip my lemon drop martini, my hair lit up like four out of the five rings at the Sochi Olympics. I’d never been one to throw myself a party. It had always seemed a bit self-indulgent, celebrating yourself when all you did the day you were born was lie [...]

2019-04-01T14:05:35-04:00April 3, 2019|Comments Off on A Story About a Birthday Party
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