Every Family’s Got One 2018 Cast Video — Barbara Herel

Photo by ebeth photography
Confession. Going to confession and fessing up to a priest… is there anything more terrifying to a 13-year-old Catholic girl?
Just ask Barbara. She’ll tell you.
You might be aware that Barbara Herel is a middle child from a loud, boisterous Long Island family. But did you know she also grew up as a nice Catholic girl going to Catechism classes and Sunday folk mass?
Yes, the sacred life was good for Barbara. Until this happened to her during…
Here’s Barbara to explain more in “The Confession”…
Barbara Herel is the Founder & Producer of Every Family’s Got One. She’s also a freelance writer & blogger, wife & mother, and a recovering middle child. (You bet she has some stories to tell.) You can find her work in oodles of places, including Scary Mommy, Motherly, Adoptive Families, on page 31 of a very cool anthology called The Zen of Midlife Mothering, and right here every Wednesday on Every Family’s Got One.
You totally brought me back to being a young girl having to confess all alone in that confession box. Seriously, was there anything scarier?!! Still, I am with you on being at peace with being a good person and having my own beliefs and faith at this point in my life, as well <3
Janine, sorry for scaring you, ha! And I thank you for sharing your thoughts!xx
I went to Catholic school for 8 years. I always went to Monsignor Wade for confession. I usually said I fought with my parents and my sister. My penance was usually 10 Hail Marys, I think. Monsignor liked to chat, too. He’d ask how I was doing in school and things like that. He was a really great person.
Know your confessor! That seems to be key, haha. Thank you for sharing, Robyn.