Every Family's Got One

About Every Family's Got One

Barbara Herel is the founder and producer of Every Family's Got One. She is a writer and storyteller, wife and mother, and a recovering middle child. (You bet she has some stories to tell.) You can find her work in places like, Scary Mommy, Motherly, Adoptive Families, on page 135 in the anthology Tick Tock: Essays on Becoming a Parent After 40 (published by Dottir Press), and right here on Every Family’s Got One.

It’s Been So Much Fun! Thank you!

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel  2019 EFGO cast members: Lance Werth, Ellie Devers, Barbara Herel, Lisa Leshaw. Photo by Neil Kramer Photography From auditions to workshops to show day, we’ve had so much fun. Check out these photos from Neil Kramer – they really capture the essence of the evening. (And if Neil looked familiar as he walked around the audience that’s because he told a story about his childhood nickname in last year’s Every Family’s Got One show.) Many thanks to our 2019 Cast. Back: Molly England, Tara Visconti, Barbara Herel, [...]

2019-10-22T13:39:50-04:00October 23, 2019|Comments Off on It’s Been So Much Fun! Thank you!

Tonight’s a Great Night for Storytelling

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel  Tonight, the 2019 cast of Every Family’s Got One takes the stage at My Father’s Place to tell their family stories. I am so very excited for them and for the audience members who get to witness all the fun and drama firsthand.   I tell you… this little dream I had of bringing together different voices to share their true family narratives – and create a supportive storytelling-writing workshop to boot – is actually happening. I’m certainly not creating all this magical goodness by myself. It takes people like [...]

2019-10-15T14:07:52-04:00October 16, 2019|Comments Off on Tonight’s a Great Night for Storytelling

All We Need Is You — Get Tickets Today!

 By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel  Image by Rawpixel.com How many times... have you listened to someone talk about their family and found yourself nodding your head and laughing along because you can totally relate? Or heard something so unbelievable, even though you know it’s true, that you can’t seem to get it out of your head?   Or heard a story that melts your heart and just makes you want to hug the person sharing their personal truth? That’s the power... of our family stories. And that’s why you must see this year’s [...]

2019-10-08T13:45:51-04:00October 9, 2019|Comments Off on All We Need Is You — Get Tickets Today!

EFGO Cast — Ready for Show Day!

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel  Front row: Tony Mennuto, Lisa Leshaw, Barbara Herel & Linda Kuriloff. Back row: Molly England, Adam Selbst, Tara Visconti & Lance Werth. Missing from photo: Aliaa Dawoud & Ellie Devers. Photo by Neil Kramer, Neil Kramer Photography It's was another great EFGO Writers Workshop! We got right down to work, or more like it, got up on our feet for a run-through of the show. It was magic… hearing these stories, watching these performances. Once again, the EFGO cast created a safe and supportive space to share our [...]

2019-09-30T17:30:07-04:00October 2, 2019|Comments Off on EFGO Cast — Ready for Show Day!

A Story About a Boy and his Mama

By Every Family's Got One Guest Writer -- Neil Kramer Image from rawpixel.com My mother was in her yoga class in Boca Raton last week, doing one of her chair exercises, when another woman accidentally moved the chair that my mother was leaning against for support.   My mother fell back, hit the floor, and when she stood up, the teacher noticed blood.   The paramedics... quickly came and she received three stitches in the back of her head.   She’s OK now, or “Perfectly fine,” as she always says, and already back in the exercise class. [...]

2019-09-18T10:47:58-04:00September 25, 2019|Comments Off on A Story About a Boy and his Mama

EFGO Writers Workshop: It was great!

By Every Family's Got One Founder -- Barbara Herel  Image from rawpixel.com Last Sunday, the cast of Every Family’s Got One came together for our first Writers Workshop. After introductions, hugs, and food (a big part of any workshop experience as far as I'm concerned), we settled into a table read. A table read if you didn’t know is just that – sitting around the table, paper in hand, reading our stories. Here are 3 things that made my heart soar: 1. Even in this most casual of settings, the stories came to life. There is an emotional [...]

2019-09-12T16:53:01-04:00September 18, 2019|Comments Off on EFGO Writers Workshop: It was great!
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